Monday, January 21, 2008

Marshmallows Anyone?

This is crazy.......and pretty hilarious.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

First Day On The Job

I awoke early this morning and was greeted by snow as I started on my 20 minute walk to the Trackside Grill. I arrived and was given a tour and my uniform which consists of a t-shirt and a ridiculous looking hat. In case you didn't catch on from the name "track side" is in reference to train tracks, so our hats look like conductor hats. Other than being forced to wear a ridiculous hat things went very well. I learned how to use the register, I filled drink orders and I learned how to make milkshakes. I got to eat the milkshake that I made as practice and I get one free meal whenever I work so it's a pretty nice deal. I took a picture of my hat to prove just how ridiculous it looks but my computer won't read the memory card from my phone so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here's What's New & Exciting

My Christmas break is about to come to a close which means my blogging hiatus must also come to an end. I mean, I wouldn't want to disappoint my faithful readers (all 3.7 of them). Anyways, I will be heading back to campus this Sunday to start the Spring semester. I am half way done with my freshman year of college and I find that to be very exciting. I've got 4 new classes this semester: Intro. to Public Speaking, Political Research, Campaign Finances, and Spanish. Last semester went well grade wise. I got 2 A's and 3 B's which was good enough to land me a spot on the Dean's list for the Fall semester. I am shooting for all A's this semester so I'm pretty excited to get classes started again.

I also have a new job this semester. I will be working at the Track Side Grill, a restaurant fairly close to campus. I'm pretty sure that I'll be a cashier, but I'll let you know for sure after I start on Monday. It looks like I'll be working from 7am-2pm Monday Wednesday Friday & Saturday. With this new job AND classes I expect to be pretty busy, which is what I prefer. With the job and the plasma donation I'm hoping to make enough money to buy a car at the beginning of the summer.

Well, that's what is new and exciting on my end. I'm looking forward to this semester and all that it holds. So stay tuned here to find out all the details of my OH SO EXCITING college life.